Gift A Never Not Funny Subscription
You asked for it! Finally, you can gift your favorite someone (or someone you don't especially like, what do we care?) a Never Not Funny subscription.
You can also use this page to see the remaining balance of a gift you've received.
Send A Gift
Do you want to gift someone the joy of Never Not Funny? Choose from one of our Platinum tiers, or any amount you like.
Redeem A Code
If you received a gift code, enter it into the field below and click the "Redeem" button to credit your account.
You must be logged in to redeem a gift code.
Your Subscription Balance *
You have a balance of {{ (Math.abs(customerInfo.balance) / 100) | money }}
You are currently subscribed to {{ currentTier.title }} — (CANCELLED)
You may use your balance in any of the following ways, or to pay for an existing paid subscription.
{{ item.title }}
To apply your Never Not Funny Platinum gift code balance, you will need select a tier level. We also require a credit or debit card to subscribe to a tier. Once your gifted credit is depleted, your card will be charged monthly based on the cost of your selected tier. You can cancel your subscription at any time, but any remaining gift amount is non-refundable.
Click below and you will be asked to select your tier.
If you have received and redeemed a gift code (and you're logged in) this section will tell you much credit is remaining on your account.